Reviewed on: October 07,2015

What do male inmates at taft federal prison camp do to pass time? ive heard some of the female co's do alot of flirting with the inmates, is that true? and how would i know if my man's writing anybody else on the side?

Asked: June 02,2015
Ask the inmate answer
Federal prison camp is not like anything you'd see on television, it's not like "Orange is the New Black". There are no cells, it is an army barracks-like sleeping arrangement. Large dorm with rows of bunk beds separated by lockers. The basic inmate profile consists of low threat, shorter term inmates with non-violent pasts. All inmates must have a job whether it be in the kitchen, cleaning the dorms or bathrooms, working in commissary, the library, in education or landscaping - there is always work to be done. There are a fair amount of activities available like cable television, email service (Corrlinks), weight pile, exercise equipment, basketball, walking/running track, racquetball, group sporting activities - soccer, softball, flag football, movie night, educational courses, great visitation privileges and many other things. If the inmate can get into a daily routine and stay busy - the time will go by pretty fast. There are female COs. Anytime a male and female can interact there might be some flirtatious moments but if the inmate picks the wrong CO, they will get sent to the SHU for a few months and then transferred. It is definitely forbidden. Does it happen a lot? We would say it doesn't. If you are worried that your inmate is writing other women, that too is a possibility, just like it could happen if he were not locked up.You have to use your intuition and decide if you trust him or not.
Accepted Answer Date Created: June 03,2015

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