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  3. Visiting Application and FAQ for Visiting an Oregon DOC Inmate

Visiting Application and FAQ for Visiting an Oregon DOC Inmate

Positive relationships between adults in custody and their families and friends are encouraged by the Oregon Department of Corrections. Adults in custody must apply to have a person added to their approved visiting list. Even if you were visiting an incarcerated adult in the county jail, you must apply for visiting privileges once he or she enters a Department of Corrections facility. Applications are submitted by adults in custody to the Inmate Services Unit for processing. Prospective visitors may submit the completed application directly to the Inmate Services Unit via U.S. Mail or as a scanned email attachment; visitors will not be added to the approved list without the consent of the adult in custody. A criminal records background check is performed as part of the application process. Once the application is processed, the incarcerated person is notified of the result. Please allow 60 days from the date the application was received by the Inmate Services Unit for processing. It is the responsibility of the incarcerated adult to notify their visitor of the outcome. The visiting rule prohibits staff from responding to telephone inquiries regarding whether a visitor has been approved. A consent form is mailed to the custodial parent of all prospective visitors who are under the age of 18, the form must be notarized and returned to the Inmate Services Unit before the child can become an approved visitor. In some cases, proof of biological relationship is also required.

  • The first step of visiting an inmate in Oregon is requesting the inmate add you to his or her visitation list.  The inmate will then send you a visitors application for you to complete.
  • You may also print the Oregon Visiting Application, completely fill it out and mail it to:
    • Inmate Services Unit
      2575 Center Street NE
      Salem, OR 97310
  • You can also fax your completed application to the fax number printed at the bottom of the application.
  • Once you submit the application a background check will be performed.  It can take up to 60 days for the application to be processed.  The inmate must inform you of the status of your application, so stay in contact with them and direct all inquiries regarding the status of your application to them.  Staff members will never divulge this information over the phone.
  • Inmates are allowed up to twenty people on his or her list of approved visitors.  Children under 13 do not count towards the 20 person limit.
  • When entering the institution for visits you will need to sign in.  If you are 16 years or older you will need to provide a valid identification, which includes a State issued driver's license, a state-issued ID, military ID, or passport.  Minors 15 years of age and under are required to have identification in the form of a birth certificate, or social security card.
  • All visitors must pass through a metal detector and may be searched in order to enter into the visiting area.  Additionally, your car may be searched once it is on institutional grounds, and the facility may utilize canine units to aid in the search.
  • Do not enter the facility with weapons, ammunition, etc. as this is illegal and will result in criminal charges being filed against you.
  • Cell phones, cameras, recording devices, music devices, and electronics are prohibited from entering the facility, leave these items in your car.
  • Tobacco and Tobacco related items, including matches and lighters, are not allowed to enter into the facility, these items must also be left in your car.

Additional information you should know when visiting an inmate in Oregon:

  • You can bring up to $15 in quarters with you to purchase items from the vending machines in the visiting area.
  • If you are traveling with an infant or small child you are allowed to bring a large clear Ziploc bag with two diapers, a single clear plastic bottle, one pacifier, one single later blanket, and a small number of baby wipes.
  • Most facilities will stamp your hand with a special ink only visible under black light as an added security measure.
  • Any inmate convicted of a sexual crime involving minor children are not allowed visits from any minor with the exception of their own biological child.
  • If you are visiting with children they must remain in your control at all times.  Failure to supervise and control your children will result in the termination of your visit.
  • If you are loud, disruptive, argue, fight, or fail to listen to the directions of the staff your visit will be terminated.

Dress Code/Contact Rules for Visitors of Oregon Inmates

Everyone who visits an inmate in an Oregon prison must follow a dress code.  The dress code is strictly enforced, and failure to adhere to it will result in you being denied visitation.  We suggest you always bring a change of clothes and leave them in your car, this will enable you to quickly change in the event an article of clothing you are wearing is deemed to violate the dress code.

  • In general, you should wear conservative clothing.
  • Shoes and undergarments must be worn at all times.
  • Blue denim or any clothing that closely resembles the inmate's clothing is prohibited.
  • Camouflage, military uniforms, doctors and nurses scrubs are forbidden from being worn.
  • Clothing that has a gang affiliation, or that has offensive language or images is not allowed.
  • Clothing that is suggestive, low-cut, revealing, skimpy, has cut-outs, or holes is prohibited from being worn.  This includes clothing that exposes the midriff, shoulders, back, cleavage, thighs or any other excessive skin.
  • Tight clothing such as spandex, leggings, tube tops, halter tops, and tank tops are not allowed.
  • Clothing that is sheer, or see-through, including fishnets, are prohibited.
  • Dresses, skirts, shorts, and pants may not be shorter than two inches above the middle of the kneecap.  Wrap around skirts, and clothing with slits above the knee are prohibited.
  • Hats, bandanas, sunglasses, or any clothing that covers the face is not allowed with the exception of religious garb with can still be removed and searched.