Reviewed on: April 29,2016

How can I find the correct release date?

My man has less than 30 days. A nonviolent 1/2 time inmate with 1/3 time credits. His counselor gave a release date of which would be the full time. That was the first day he was meeting with mi man. Do i need to ask for an early release? Does the counselor change it to an early release date later on? How will i know when to pick him up? I'm kinda new at all this and tried researching everything i could find and still have no clue. Thank you new and confused

Asked: April 28, 2016
Ask the inmate answer
Your inmate's correct release date would normally be given to them by their counselor. If they have given him the full time release date it could mean that is the actual date. He is in the home stretch, we are not certain that contacting the counselor yourself is a great idea. Ask your inmate to get some clarification on the "real out-date". Once he knows the out-date, he can relay this to you and you may go to the main parking lot of the facility the morning of that date and wait until he is released.
Accepted Answer Date Created: April 29,2016

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