Reviewed on: October 07,2015

How does the family get phone calls?

Asked: March 20, 2015
Ask the inmate answer
The inmate must make the outbound call. They cannot receive calls. All of the prison facilities in the United States operate the same way. They award the contract to one phone company who is the sole provider for that detention center. All calls are tape recorded by them and they get paid for every call. You have to use them, no matter what. The choice you make is whether to pay them a little, or pay them a lot. Our service creates the lowest possible price per call. The difference in the call price with your telephone number and the number we get you will pay for our service in a couple of calls. The savings grow with each call.  If you would like an honest estimate of the call price and savings, send us the prison or jail where your inmate is currently incarcerated and your telephone number and we will let you know if we can save you money. Email us the information at
Accepted Answer Date Created: March 21,2015

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