Reviewed on: October 07,2015

My husband was just moved to FDC Miami. I had just send money to his last jail. Does he get to take the money with him? Or how long does it take for him to have access to it.? And do they give inmates toiletries if they have no money in their commissary?

Asked: December 16, 2014
Ask the inmate answer
If he was in another federal prison and was transferred to FDC Miami, then all of his money and property will transfer with him. If it was another system he was in, then we are not sure if it will transfer. The money and the might get sent home - it will depend on where he was. Inmates in the federal system are given the basic necessities for hygiene even if they cannot go to commissary because they lack funds. One nice element of the federal system are the inmates with ties to the chapel service in that prison will oftentimes provide a package of essentials that include shower slides, soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste and even some snacks as a"welcome" and use that gift as a way to introduce them to the church services. There is no obligation expected or implied, they are just being kind as everyone there is going through the same hardship. Generally, most of the inmates have compassion.
Accepted Answer Date Created: December 17,2014

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