Reviewed on: November 04,2015

Hello ., My boyfriend got picked up by Feds ,he also had a state case that he was wanted on for not going to his last court date for sentencing ,so he was wanted ,to do about 7months for invading the police on a motorcycle. Wat you think would be the worst ? & also I'm not to sure y he got picked up by feds , rumor is smuggling illegals. Is there away they are going to make him do 2 separate times ??? Thank you

Asked: October 28, 2015
Author: Davina
Ask the inmate answer
Yes there is a distinct possibility that he could do fed time and state time. If he was picked up for missing a sentencing that is not good and might make the judge angry when he is sentenced. The federal case of smuggling illegals is a serious charge that will likely cost him 5-10 years depending upon the particulars. If he is lucky, they will run the sentences "concurrent" which means they will happen at the same time.
Accepted Answer Date Created: October 29,2015

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