Reviewed on: July 12,2016

When an inmate is in prison and he get out on ab109 and he wants to move to another state California to Arizona what is the easiest way to go about it could he go back to the courts and ask them if he could be transferred to Arizona instead of him going to probation and asking them and if you have a job waiting in Arizona for him an address

Asked: July 12, 2016
Ask the inmate answer
We are not sure how the AB 109 will factor in on your transfer success. The basic idea behind realignment AB 109 is to punish low-level felony offenders with local jail or out-of-custody "mandatory supervision" instead of prison. Because jails and probation departments are run at the county level, the law thus shifts from the state to the local level responsibility for dealing with certain felons. Having a job that is verified and legitimate is one of the prevailing factors (above all in some cases). We would suggest that you start by getting the employment offer in writing and notify the person giving the job they might need to be available when called by a probation officer. The other angle is family. If you can document a strong family support group as the reason to move, suggest that the move to a "safe haven" will give you the best chance of never going back to prison.
Accepted Answer Date Created: July 12,2016

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