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Subject: Send inmate mail

You have described the service perfectly. Inmate's respond to you through our address. We receive the letter, scan and upload it to your account. The service works great - perfect for your situation, overseas addresses, pen pal scenarios and when the letter writer just wants privacy.

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Subject: Commissary

You will have to sit in on the hearings to see what the prosecutor is asking for to know for sure. The sentence we be determined by the circumstances of the crime (the value of what was allegedly taken or destroyed) and the criminal history of the defendant.

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Subject: Send inmate mail

Mail is received at the facility mail room. The staff opens each piece searching for contraband and that the inmate number matches the name. Time permitting, the mail is passed out later that day at "mail call".

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Subject: Sentence reduction

InmateAid is plugged into the latest news regarding changing laws, especially for sentencing issues. Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States made a speech last week that might affect the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for non-violent first-time drug offenders. It does not appear to be specific for any jurisdiction except for "federal cases".

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Subject: General prison/jail questions

The Disciplinary Hearings do not normally go in the favor of the inmate, unfortunately. The very best advice we can give you is if your inmate has some decent relationship with one staff member. Bring that staff member to the hearing to vouch for his character, hard work, previous record...anything that will have someone in the system stand up for him. Otherwise, the charge usually sticks and typically they might take away some privileges or maybe even some accrued good

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Subject: Survive prison

Solitary confinement is 24 hours a day lock-down. Three showers, three hours of rec per week. They can receive mail, reading material, limited commissary and one 15-minute phone call per week. The guards feed them through a slot in the door and when removed to shower or go to rec, they are handcuffed during the procedure. The loneliness is the worst part. If you are able, get them books, newspapers, and magazine subscriptions (email us for prices, we have really

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Subject: Send inmate mail

The inmate can see that the letter comes from InmateAid as our logo and return address is on the envelope. Inmates that write back use our address - we scan the letter and place it in your account. You are notified by email that you have a letter waiting.

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Subject: Send inmate mail

It depends on the mood of the prison staff at the time. Generally the mail gets to the right inmate if the number is correct, but if it is ever returned - we notify you and resend the corrected letter.

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Subject: General prison/jail questions

There is nothing that you can do once in the control of the BOP.  His designation is well thought out and once they have sent you somewhere, you are there at least 18 months (before they will consider a transfer) - unless the inmate gets into trouble, then the accommodations can worsen.

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Subject: Send inmate mail

All outside communication must be approved by facility staff. Orientation can preclude approval but it's done on a case-by-case basis.

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